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One of our valued clients, who is a multinational financial institution, required us to build a client management system to initiate, maintain and process a group-wide product change drive.
Problem Statement
To replace old legacy credit cards (that earns customers reward points per use) with the new ones while allowing 1.4m customers a choice of cards/contracts to switch to.
The program was a regulatory requirement and failure to deliver it would lead to substantial financial and reputational loss.
Key Deliverables/Success Criteria
The client approached us with limited budget and time to build a fully automated client relationship system that is powered by our custom coded Agile Automations.
We followed our tried and tested development process and achieved the following within 3 weeks/sprints:
- A new one stop solution powered by a backend SQL server database covering the entire Client Relationship Management;
- A database full of lists of decision making parameters that can change throughout the process per customer – these cover over 1700 scenarios and permutations that would be difficult to develop using most automation software in the market;
- An end to end automation of product switch steps on all 3 systems, including logistic tasks such as sending out letters, emails and text alerts while keeping an end to end audit trail; and
- An admin portal to retrieve on demand customised reports.
Customer Journey through the Automation
One of the key advantages of Agile Automations has been the flexibility it provided in mapping out the best customer journey. This ensured efficient customer service at the fraction of resources usually required to manually complete such processes.
Key Successes
Client Testimonial
We love the way the automation handles multiple decision paths using the externally stored ‘decision parameters’. We can easily change the logic of the automation by simply changing ‘if this then that’ scenarios in the list provided. We are always excited when we add a new scenario in the list and automation picks it up. A truly future-proof solution!!
Scrum development methodology combined with extensive experience in developing custom coded RPA solutions, we at Agile Automations are changing the desktop RPA scene towards a more sustainable and reliable adaptation of RPA into the businesses.
Can your business benefit from such relentless commitment to perfection? Contact us to find out more!
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Client Testimonials
Over 3 years and a 6-figure investment into established well-known packaged Robotics software has been replaced in a matter of weeks at a fraction of the cost with Agile Automations.
In some cases, we were waiting months for fixes to source system adapters with established well-known packaged Robotics software, we’ve not had to wait longer than a single day with Agile Automations to fix matching or interrogation issues.
What took 6 months to develop with an established well known packaged Robotics software tool took 6 days with Agile Automations!
Agile Automations are built with effective error trapping and rather than crashing or freezing they present the user with the information from the source system which is causing the error, gone are the days of wanting to throw the computer out the window…